

首席研究员: 夏洛特Sunseri

客户/合作伙伴: 圣克拉拉县地区州立公园

简介: This project explores the roots of class consciousness in an insular company town, to look at the experiences of working-class communities in the Spanishtown, Englishtown, 和庄园社区. 这个项目着眼于纽约州工人阶级的身份认同 Almaden (now Almaden Quicksilver County Park of Santa Clara) through archaeological 挖掘,物质文化研究,以及对城镇居民的采访. 新阿尔马登 was a paternalistic company town with social control and stark idealism, and I’m interested in workers’ perceptions of the company’s influence and policies; daily experiences as workers built a sense of place and identity; and ways that workers negotiated, 适应或抵制资本主义结构和公司控制. 贡献 include 1) describing working-class experiences; 2) social theorizing of pluralism and labor hierarchies which played a direct role in shaping the California of today; and 3) enhancing multivocality about the past to impact current cultural production 与传统有关. 数据收集和分析的主要活动将是 completed through archaeological field schools (ANTH 169) offered in summer months, punctuated by Fall and Spring semester projects involving analysis of artifacts, oral 历史和档案收藏.

时间轴: 2021-2024

资助: 部分课程将作为暑期课程.

结果: Several potential MA projects or theses, planned book manuscript and journal articles.

学生的机会: There are opportunities for funded student research assistantships and individual 学生硕士项目和论文.

项目:Loma Prieta工厂项目. 关于劳工、移民和工业考古学的研究 19世纪加利福尼亚的木材工业.

首席研究员: 马可Meniketti

合作伙伴: 加州州立公园和娱乐中心

简介: Students could develop advanced undergraduate or graduate thesis projects based on material culture, GIS based spatial analysis, forensics, and faunal analysis.

资助: 自费暑期课程和FLP项目.

时间轴: 2015-2017

学生的机会: Students could develop complementary projects in new partnerships with Cal State 去公园或从事物质文化研究. 担任现场主管的领导机会 现场工作人员.

学生研究人员: 科林•Jaramillo 丽贝卡·斯皮策[pdf], 阿丽亚娜·希思科特[pdf]


主要研究员: 梅丽莎·贝雷斯福德

客户/合作伙伴: N/A

简介: This project examines how under-resourced and economically marginalized communities mobilize entrepreneurship (both formal and informal) to secure livelihood and fight 为了经济公正. 这个项目建立在博士的基础上. 贝雷斯福德的人种学研究 in Cape Town, South Africa, which examines cultural models and uses of entrepreneurship 作为对种族资本主义造成的资源不安全的回应. 学生感兴趣 in researching how people think about, mobilize, or experience entrepreneurship, in 美国.S. 和/或在世界各地,我们鼓励联系博士. 贝雷斯福德想加入 这个项目.

资助: U.S. 国家科学基金会

时间轴: 正在进行的

学生的机会: There are opportunities for MA projects and student theses that uses and/or builds 在这个数据集之外.

项目:加州海洋文化景观. 对历史工业的研究 西海岸的海洋文化.

首席研究员: 马可Meniketti

合作伙伴: 各种各样,包括加州州立公园. INHA(墨西哥),NOAA.

简介: Statewide documentation and interpretation of maritime communities and historical 从民族志和考古学的角度看工业. 历史分析 maritime groups, such as Italian fishermen, Portuguese shore whalers, Chinese abal一个 猎人,木材纵帆船和狗洞社区. 还有历史上的西班牙探险家 土著社区.

资助: 可变,包括RSCA研究基金.

时间轴: 2015 -现在

学生的机会: Students can pursue ethnographic, GIS, or archaeological documentation of California’s 航运业,史前和历史社会. 学生可以贡献 直接到出版物或开发论文项目. 学生也可以使用XRF 人工制品取样.

研究生: Cathy Mistely, Karen Johansson, Sean Davis, Amanda Jorgenson, Leslie Hoefert.

Project: The Anthropology of 首页lessness and 住房 Futures in San José

首席研究员(s): A.J. 法斯, Co-PI 约翰Marlovits

客户/合作伙伴: 首页First San josess, San josess市区协会,市区街道

简介: Our project objective is to address three broad topics: the production of homelessness; how the homeless camp and alternative housing futures are produced and sustained; 而房屋期货的生产超越了阵营. 我们研究的方法 production of homelessness can be broadly characterized as examining a networked institutional ecology; that is, we are conducting life history interviews with homeless (and recently homeless) individuals to learn about their life paths and the relational, institutional, 他们在通往无家可归的道路上导航的空间网络. 我们的学习方法 how homeless camps are produced and sustained is threefold: (a) participant observation in camps to document how camps are built, maintained, displaced, and reproduced over time; (b) qualitative network interviews to study formal support resources and everyday varieties of mutual aid, reciprocity, and protection among the homeless, with attention to how relations endure or are reconstituted through/following processes of displacement; and (c) photo-voice interviews to understand the material culture of encampments, including how materials flow into and out of the camp, and the production of identity 通过人与物质的关系. 我们研究房地产期货的方法 involves documenting how pathways to housing futures are imagined and operationalized by homeless (and recently homeless) individuals, city and county government, nonprofit 组织和倡导团体.

资助: 等待

时间轴: 2019-2024

学生的机会: There are opportunities for funded student research assistantships and individual 学生硕士项目和论文. 请联系 A.J. 法斯 (aj.faas@ngskmc-eis.net).

学生研究人员: Sana Rahim, Kiley Stokes, Carey van Tran, Elizabeth Baseman


首席研究员(s): J.A. English-Lueck (菠菜网lol正规平台)

客户/合作伙伴: 硅谷文化项目

简介: This project is primarily an academic research project, although it has implications for the forecasters at the Institute for the Future and the Food 创新 program.  Building on more than 25 years of ethnographic inquiry into the cultures of Silicon Valley, the project looks at the lives of workers who participate in the countercultural and artistic life of 硅谷, and the research, design and implementation of 食品、农业和清洁技术方面的努力.  物联网和虚拟现实技术 将传感器和生活体验结合起来.  这些研究人员正在采访 artists and engineers, community advocates and designers to better understand how 他们将自己对未来的独特愿景与工作结合在一起. 什么值 这些工人是带着他们的工作吗? 地理学教授Kerry Rohrmeier正在合作 with English-Lueck to explore the relationship of 硅谷 to Burning Man.  English-Lueck is also teaming up with interested alumni, undergraduate and graduate researchers, 大众传播学院的蒂娜·科拉尼记录了这些故事.  这个项目 will result in an academic production such as a book and article, and a co-authored innovative virtual reality installation and proceeding article for the Southwestern 人类学协会会议等场所.

资助: 菠菜网lol正规平台 RSCA,卡内基等待

时间轴: 2018-2021

学生的机会: There are opportunities for individual undergraduate student projects and graduate 280和MA项目. 联系 J.A. English-Lueck (1月.English-Lueck@ngskmc-eis.net).

学生研究人员: Ella Babin, Cheryl Cowan, Jillian Ferini, Ian Torres, Andrew Marley, Daniel E. 马尔多纳多 凯文·科切弗,贾斯敏·洛,梅勒妮·贝利,克里斯托夫·冈萨雷斯.